
The Riders of Rohan Lyrics

As the quiet still of dawn
Reaches for the sun
And the sunshine meadows blow
And dreams and legends spring to life where..
Golden men sing golden freedom
Catch them as they race the shooting stars
On the borders of the night
Crystals form on green grass blades
Where shadows chill the quier
And evil forces poison nature

Candles burn in golden halls
The king will ride to open war
Golden men sing golden freedom
Catch them as they race the shooting stars
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Music Inspired by The Lord of the Rings (2001)
Overture - Forge of Sauron Greenwood the Great Goodbye Alone Out of the Inn On the Wings of Gwaihir At Last to Rivendell Journey's Thought Caradhras the Cruel The Riders of Rohan Lothlorien The Return of the King To the Grey Havens Helm's Deep