
My Little Corner Lyrics

In the corner of my mind I'm wondering,
"Oh Lord, what have I gotten into?"
In the corner of my mind I am thinking
about all the things that I have yet to do.
In the corner of my mind I am knowing
that I want to be with you,
so in this corner of the world
I am saying, "I do."
So take my hand and walk with me
through this life and always be with me.
I am yours and you are mine
in my little corner.
In the corner of this lonely house I'm wondering
if you're the one to make my life complete,
will you be there through all the trials and tribulations?
With me through victory and through defeat?
In the corner of this church I see Jesus.
He has bound our hearts with every pounding beat.
In this corner of my life I know daily
I can wash your feet.

Did I tell you that my life was empty before I met you?
Did I mention that our lives were meant to be shared?
When our worlds collided it shook all the rocks and trees,
and when the earth stopped quaking I was on my knees saying...
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Life's Been Good (1999)
Jesse A Rock to Lead the Way The Winds of Change Captain Kaern's Theme The Crossroad My Little Corner I Am Coming Of Age Life's Been Good