
Dance Lyrics

Now let us dance for the victory is won.
Now let us sing for the song has begun.
Now let us live in the light of the Son.
Gathered and called and united as one.
When we see the grave, stone is rolled away,
Hear the angels say, "He is risen!"
When we rise from death, filled with God's own breath.
Dead in sin and yet, were forgiven.
At dawn as the walked sadly hanging their heads.
They fell in reverence when the angel said,
"Why do you look for the living with the dead?"
Their mourning song turned to dancing instead.
This same Good News we believers proclaim.
When we with water baptized in His name.
Their message then, and ours now the same,
Jesus has the victory, and Satan has no claim.
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Something (2001)
The Kingdom Convinced Distant Land Take a Chance Dance All I've Ever Wanted These Days Psalm 131 As You Go Holy Holy Holy Hearts Fruit We Bear Ground Real World Too