
What Do You Know About Ray Finkle? Lyrics

To wait so long
For the perfect moment
I've planned this all to be
Vengeance brought to my greatest adversary
Wearing my new skin
I'll will leave nothing to chance
All angles played laces out
Planned over much time
To ensure that you are mine
To break and destroy.
As you left me on that hallowed field of champions
The wrath of man
In the beautiful guise of a woman
Die Dan! Die Dan!

Isotoner gloves

Yet all has failed
A saviour risen from the shadows
Stalks my army
Leaves them lifeless
And robs me of my prey
Driven from my castle
A prisoner of my sworn enemy
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Party, Grind (2014)
Have You Found Jesus Yet Gump? Godking Fecal f******* It's Not Stanley, It's Stan Lee George Costanza's Father's Son What Do You Know About Ray Finkle? 'Til Death Do Us Party Insanity as a Pathway to Fame and Fortune: The Life and Times of Gary Busey No, Not The Bees Carving a totem pole a top blood mountain whilst enslaving the local mountain folk population as cattle See You at the Party Richter! (Total Deathcore 666 Bonus Track)