
Crevasse II Lyrics

Thank you for reading these few words and listening to this piece of music which could only be created with the help of a lot of amazing people, friends and of course you for taking care at all. All of this really is fascinating and overwhelming for us, tons of things have happened we would never have dreamed of. We will always be grateful that you have given us true inspiration, trying to make our everyday lives as active and compassionated as possible.

We hope to be the cracks in this ugly and depressing but at the same time beautiful world. Even if in the end we are only thin lines: if some of these cause the blank plain to crack in the smallest parts, there is a chance they might evolve and grow bigger.
With this hope in our hearts we"ll keep spending our time in basements and cities far away from home.

Julian, Flo and Hendrik.
This one should be clear, but can"t be said too often: we strongly disagree with any pro-views on fascism, racism, nationalism, s**ism, h***phobia and every other form of opression in any way.

We support a vegan lifestyle. And so should you.

do you guys really type your own song meanings in the lyrics plugin?
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