
El Joven se Estremece Lyrics

... we don't have time to applaud now, no no we got to go, we got to go directly to the w****house and I gotta because, it's because I've got to explain it to you cause the song is going be in Spanish because when I say "El joven se estremece" the young man is shaking, he's trembling he's not happy about this situation "Con gotas de sudor" he's got a cold sweat happening, he's, his friends took him to the w****house cause he was 19, they figured this would be funny, let's introduce him to s** this way, he's not buying it at all, he thinks this is terrible "La fila no le apetece" this line of woman doesn't appetize him one bit "Si no le causa gran dolor" just making him sad, but I thought it made a nice song you see

En la sala es fumada (the smokey room)
Que atrevida la mujer (the woman's got a lot of nerve)
Y con su risa carcajada (she got a nasty laugh too)
El joven no sabe que hacer
El joven se estremece
Con gotas de sudor
La fila no le apetece
Si no le causa gran dolor

Pues sus amigos
Le traen una bebida (friend's bringing him a drink)
Pero sus ojos buscan
Una salida (he wants out)

El rechaza sus abrazos
Y sus caricias sin querer
El se rejfleja unos pasos (he's retreating, he's backing up)
No le gusta esa mujer
El joven estremece
Con gotas de sudor
La fila no le apetece
Si no le causa gran dolor

Pues, sus amigos borrachos
hacen risotadas (his drunken friends think this is funny)
Y las mujeres en la fila
Hacen carcajadas (the prositute's don't have a ??? either)
El joven se estremece
Con gotas de sudor
La fila no le apetece
Si no le causa
Gran dolor

El joven se estremece
Con gotas de sudor
La fila no le apetece
Si no le causa
Gran dolor
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Her Mystery Not of High Heels and Eye Shadow (2001)
Her Mystery Not of High Heels and Eye Shadow Springtime in New York Me and Her Got a Good Thing Goin' Baby Couples Must Fight I Took a Chance on Her Maybe a Walk Home From Natick High School Give Paris One More Chance My Love For Her Ain't Sad Leaves on the Sidewalk After the Rain Tonight Yo Tengo una Novia El Joven se Estremece Con El Merengue Vampiresa Mujer