
Fires of Calais Lyrics

The fishing boats roll out across the dark green Channel water
As they gather speed for Flanders they cut their nets away
It's not herring they'll be pulling from the waters on this morning
They'll reap a bitter harvest from the Fires of Calais
Twenty leagues from France I saw the amber soaked horizon
In our lee, the Cliffs of Dover fall beneath the Channel waves
Where waters used to sing a song to sooth the hearts of fishers
Now, we hear the rolling thunder from the Fires of Calais

As we pull in tight to shore, this armada bent on rescue
We curse the men behind the desks who sell our lives this way
Never signed on board to save them from this b***** lack of planning
That strands these fine young men beneath the Fires of Calais
On the beach, allied confusion will they stand or are they running
If it's run, where will they go to between the sea and the melee?
On the flanks, the troop's advancing and with heavy guns, they're firing
And not a mother's son could save them from the Fires of Calais

In scattered groups along the shore some look towards a safer harbor
Some fix their eyes upon the flames, that turn the night to day
Some yet standing, bold and ready, to stoutly guard the rear from "Jerry"
They'll need no flares to see 'em 'neath the Fires of Calais
I've fished these channel waters since was man enough face them
For the herring and the flounder I have often hauled away
But a catch like this I've never had in forty years of sailing
Saving "Tommies" as they flounder 'neath the Fires of Calais

The fishing boats roll out across the dark green Channel water
As the gather speed for Flanders they cut their nets away
It's not herring they'll be pulling from the waters on this morning
They'll reap the bitter harvest from the Fires of Calais
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Timelines (1987)
Fires of Calais Boom Gone Bust Railway Tune Jenny Bryce Follow Me Up To Carlow Roll Down Lost Snap the Line Tight Sea for the Shore/Stephen Behind the Eight Ball