
Beni Kıskandırma Lyrics

Beni Kiskandirma

Sevdiğimi biliyorsun ama saygın yok
Kolunla takıp gezdiriyorsun bende gözün yok
Sen beni umursama bakalım
Ocağıma düşersen yakarım
Ona buna bakıp beni küstürme
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Bir sağa bir sola sallanıp beni kıskandırma
Hasetinden sen çatlarsın sonra gözüm olur dışarda

Bir sağa bir sola sallanıp beni kıskandırma
Hasetinden sen çatlarsın ama gözüm olur dışarda
Aşkımın kölesi oldun sesim çıkmıyor
Dert versen derman versen dilim susuyor
Beni Kiskandirma

you know that i love (you), but you dont respect
you take out walking, with linked arms, you dont have eyes on me

ok then let's see dont care me
(but) if you be at the mercy of me, then i'll burn (you)
dont offend me by looking at everybody
how can i look at my face
your place above my head (yani she means he is very important that he have a place above her head)
deep inside my heart
dont you know, im dying for you
dont make jealous by dangly to the right and the left
you'll die of exhaustion because of your longing after my eyes will be out

dont make jealous by dangly to the right and the left
you'll die of exhaustion because of your longing, but my eyes will be out

you became slave of my love, (but) i dont say anything
even if you give sorrow or remedy my tongue doenst say anything
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