
What Color Is a Soul? Lyrics

All the colors of the rainbow,
Skies of blue and forests green,
Red and yellow flowers on the hillside grow
But Lord, what color is a soul?
Children laugh and play together,
They don't know what's bad or good,
They don't understand they're in the 'wrong neighborhood',
My Lord, what color is a soul?

Angels up in heaven looking for that day,
Strive and trouble all will vanish away.
Out of every tribe and nation
saints redeemed of God shall come,
Red and yellow, black and white shall join to know
that there is no color to a soul.
Angels up in heaven looking for that day,
Strive and trouble all will vanish away.
Out of every tribe and nation
saints redeemed of God shall come,
Red and yellow, black and white shall join to know that .there is no color to a soul
there is no color to a soul
there is no color to a soul
there is no color to a soul
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Jesus Is The Lighthouse (1974)
The Lighthouse Keep Your Hand in the Lord's More (Than You'll Ever Know) I Have a Peace in My Heart Old Time Religion Country Style All About Love These Hands of Mine I Know He Loves Me What Color Is a Soul? May God Be With You