
The Girl in the Backseat Lyrics

My friend's car is the fastest
The girl in the backseat
Looking for a boy
Pushkin is dead
But I'm still in love with you
Fairy tales by the fire
We're sleeping cheek to cheek
Without an aim to kiss
The girl has stealed
But she doesn't know what for

And I say...:
"Give me a call
When we're back home
I'd like to offer
Offer my shoulder

Maybe some day
You'll find a soldier
Who would love you..
Till you both grow older
I am not the one for you
But I give you the handshake of a friend
I am not the one for you
But I give you the handshake of a friend"

She went down to the harbor
She laid beside the ships
She opened her lips
And like the crushing train
Her tears became the rain
And she said...:
"Give me a call
When we're back home
'Cause I need your shoulder
Please, give me that shelter
'Cause there will be no
Another soldier
Who would love me, 'til I grow older.

Yes, you are the one for me
Can't you see you son of a b****?
Yes, you are the one for me
Can't you see you son of a b****?"
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Jetlag (2007)
Kids and Figures Poor Maria The Girl in the Backseat Fight! Swim, Robert, Swim Save a Little Part Here for Me Two Hands Girl Is a Snake We Had to Learn If There Was Something Worth Fighting For