
Messif My Face Lyrics

Yeah, this is happening!
Put the hat on and let's go!
Oh, you'll make a mess of my face
By spraying all the words all over the place
Well, who have I known to be this way with me?
None, but him, so I can't believe.
Never give me away!
The secrets we share are like... in a safe
To always be held this way
Cause I'm sure you have a heart
To have a heartbreak,
I can't relate!
And you give more than I can take
When consequences cause my mind to fade

Well, who have I known to be this way to me?
Nobody I can't believe!

No, never give us away!
The secrets we share are like that but in a safe
To always be kept this way
Because I'm sure you must have a heart
To have a heartbreak
I can't relate!
You take a heart, my babe
Put me back together before I break
I break, I break, I break, I break!
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Waking Up Is Hard to Do (2013)
90210 We Like the Weather Won't Come Around Do It Firestorm Garbage Heart Meowch Messif My Face Dennis the Pennis Sobriety Is a Sobering Experience Heart Carl Seen the Light Firestorm (demo) Sobriety Is a Sobering Experience (demo) Dennis the Pennis (demo) Messif My Face (demo) Meowch (demo) Heart Carl (demo)