
NPON Lyrics

So what I exist
Why bother to pretent
Alone is all I've ever been
Alone is all I'll ever be
Nothing positive only negative
Nothing positive only negative
Nothing positive only negative
I will always be alone
All my life I've seen your f****** sneers
Turned my back and felt your f****** glares
As I descent into my own hell
I'll never look back and never once care

Self hatred, self medicate, self destruction
Self hatred, self medicate, self destruction
nothing postive only negative
nothing postive only negative
nothing postive only negative
nothing postive only negative
nothing postive only negative
nothing postive only negative
nothing postive only negative
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Nothing Positive, Only Negative (2006)
Plasma Center Blues NPON Countless Ten Strip Association of Known Desirables Fucked Rough Sleep
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