
Music for the Night Lyrics

It is a rainy day at the end of April. Melissa passed
away two weeks ago and young Elias is enduring the
greatest psychical torture since that time. After darkness
has swallowed the last rays of the sun, he dwells at the
resting-place of his beloved girl once again. It has become
an everyday procedure for him to lay a white rose on her
grave, sunken in memories. There is a golden statue placed
on a pedestal amidst the flowers. The angel watches over
Melissa with an expression of yearning upon its face.
Elias wipes his eyes to remove the tears and keeps
on staring at the watchman.

Look at the watchman on the grave
This golden angel without wings
Under his feet she will be safe
His silent singing, freedom it brings
This is music for the night
A trip through darkness into light
Homewards into our purest souls
Where liberty the mind controls
This is music for the night
Tender tunes shall be our guide
Songs of redemption, songs of gloom
Now greatest thoughts, they all shall bloom
Look how the watchman, free from sin,
Calls out eternity for just one day
Wisdom he kept safe deep within
And for the watchman's grace I pray

Look how the watchman without sound
Proclaims the things which are concealed
Magnificence is all around
As the great nothing is revealed
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