
Bio-Vital (Funker Vogt remix) Lyrics

When you die
Your life flashes
When life turns into death
It's explosive
When love becomes hate
When things turn into opposite
There are sparks of light
Magical and electrifying
Everyone senses something
Some energy
Some spirit
Some sort of illumination
But I see it
I see it
I've seen bodies
Shining like stars
I've seen the light in your eyes
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EVOlution (1999)
EVOlution Endless Light Infect Me Bodies of Seals Frozen Re/Animation Breathe (Infected mix by Decoded Feedback) Bio-Vital (Fictional remix) Breathe (In Strict Confidence remix) Relic (Aghast View "Intense" remix) Bio-Vital (Funker Vogt remix) Relic (din_fiv remix) Bio-Vital