
Conspiracy Lyrics

Hidden in Ihe darkrsl places
Written on Ihe smiling faces
Archileit*. of chaos lorming
I* I a iis of xr» v e intent unfolding
Out ol the blue when you never expect
And you never can tell when you iniylit he next
When the miimrnl is right When and where they'll strike And you never know vv h y
Out ol (he blue- when you never expect And vou never tan tell when yon might he next When Ihe moment is right When and where they'll strike


See no signs ol evil interest
Somewhere in (he mental matrix
Laving mil a trail ol danger
In the path of unknown strangers

Out ot Ihe blue when you never expect
And vou never tan tell when you might be next
When the moment is right
When and where they'll strike
And you never know whv
Oul ol Ihe hi 110 when you never expect
And you never can tell when you might be next
When Ihe moment is right
When and where they'll strike
And you never know why
Conspiracy Conspiracy Conspiracy Cnn«plra< y
See r11> remorse or consequences
All «.u lie.11 through TV lenses 1 i id 111 g in a blaze ul glory |ust another breaking slorv
In Ihe wake, of mass confusion
Forced to come lo no conclusion
There's no lime to stop and wonder
Can you tame ihe rolling thunder?
Out of Ihe hlue when you never expect
And you never can tell when vou might be next
When Ihe moment is right
When and where they'll strike
And you never know why
Oul ol Ihe hlue when you never expect
And you never tan tell when you might be next
When the moment is right
When and where they'll strike
And you never know why
Report lyrics
The Unknown (2004)
Conspiracy Confess New World 1/2 a World Away There Is No End The Wheel Premonitions The Unknown I Could