
No Way but Forwards Lyrics

-- I. Awake to the aftermath --

Eden fell and the truth was revealed.
All the stars we wished upon turned into ashes.
Why is everything destroyed?
Why are so many friends gone?
Why is everything soiled with smoke?
Why are there puddles of tears at my feet?

Relax, it's over...
These ruins will be our playground.

My father is gone,
my mother died when I was born
Calm down, I'll stay with you.
You won't suffer the same.
Take my hand, the storm has abated.

We are tired
we are blinded (by pain)
lost generation
waiting for some light

Oppression and fear in our hearts,
it's time, time to change the world.

-- II. A debate upon the remains --

Hundreds of souls are just a memory
Thousand of bright lights vanished
Don't lose their gift, remember their legacy.
Upon these remains we debate
Has it been the right way?
New life growing from these ashes?
The old temple demolished

Corrupt columns and pillars exposed
Why would we need a new one?

Can we do something better?
Each cry in the dark will become a song of hope

It will be hard (always has been)
It will be long and arduous

-- III. Don't forget what brought us here --

A parade of pain we had
Evil deeds they've done
Their empire drained our lives
Leeches biting our skin
There's no regret
Burn the past
Take the time

When all hope is dead, and there's no way
Martyrs' sacrifice, will be remembered.

-- IV. Dawn of a new day --

All the broken dreams we've left behind
A cool breeze inspiring virtuous notions
Moon, cross or star, only idols
Will is the tool to start again

New horizon revealed, full of doubts
but it was the chosen way
A man shouting out loud:
Dawn of a new day

There are always trace elements of blood in each new structure

The onset of a storm,
a soul that is spilled
somewhere far away...
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No Way but Forwards (2013)
Isolated Incidents Martyr The Envelope It Had to Be Done Beheading the Hydra No Way but Forwards
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