
Folie verte (I Am the Green Fairy) Lyrics

I am the Green Fairy
My robe is the colour of despair
I have nothing in common with the fairies of the past
What I need is blood, red and hot, the palpitating flesh of my victims
Alone, I will kill France, the Present is dead, Vive the future.
But me, I kill the future and in the family I destroy the love of country, courage, honour,
I am the purveyor of hell, penitentiaries, hospitals.
Who am I finally? I am the instigator of crime
I am ruin and sorrow
I am shame
I am dishonour
I am death
I am absinthe
[An anti-absinthe song written by the members of a 19th century Temperance league]
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Absinthe: La Folie Verte (2002)
Folie verte (I Am the Green Fairy) Symphonie verte (And Here I Am, an Absintheur...) Minutes d'absinthe (Let Me Be Mad, Mad With Absinthe) Absinthia Taetra (Opaline) Poison vert (D'après Frédéric Barbier) Avec les fleurs... Avec l'absinthe (With Flowers and With Women) Absinthine (D'après Emile Duhem) Variations sur le thème de Corelli (By Venus and Cupid) Variations sur le thème de Corelli (That Night, I Drank Deeply) Princesse verte (D'après Emile Spencer) Fée verte, vous êtes jolie (Chanté par Affre)