
Everything Is Everything Lyrics

Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything
Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything
Yo, yo take life as it is, this world ain't made for no pessimist
Though you must know pain before happiness
'Cause there's always one were the other is
Yo, in general s*** will hit the fan, it's essential
To accept it's the plan
Your ego don't care if you're wrong
Stick close to the truth and yourself to be strong

Everything is connected my brother
Don't deny your need for each other
Keep your feet on the ground to discover
Things will end up in the right order
Everything is connected my friend
What goes around must come back again
Life is a beautiful game that we're in
So listen to the chorus I comprehend

Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything
Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything

Don't take words too personal
'Cause everyman living is critical
Just remember you are original
And try to stay above the political
It's not a question about how
But the answer's about how you found out
For yourself and your mind 'cause it's right now
Don't a**ume that you're right 'til you find out
Everything is connected my brother
Don't deny your need for each other
Keep your feet on the ground to discover
Things will end up in the right order
Everything is connected my friend
What goes around must come back again
Life is a beautiful game that we're in
So listen to the chorus I comprehend

Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything
Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything

Everything is connected my brother
Everything is connected my sister
Everything is connected my friend
Just be

Everything is connected my brother
Everything is connected my sister
Everything is connected my friend
Just be
Everything's connected

Everything's connected

Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything
Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything

Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything
Don't worry yourself
Everything is everything

Everything's connected
We are all connected
Everything's connected
We are all connected
Everything's connected
We are all connected
Everything's connected
Just be
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Everything Is Everything (2005)
Do It Now Everything Is Everything Radio Friendly Used to Be a B-Boy Stop (Intoxication) Left Me and Gone Invitation to the Dancefloor Awakening Slow Bounce Rock Steady Relax