
Tundra Moon Lyrics

Condemn their spirits to imprisonment
Signal the enslavement of the weak
Aspersorium hemorrhaging
In their harrowing of lies, the traitor is in their midst- but they are unaware- the endless diaspora is upon them:
To the folk of Pontus, and those of Galatia,
To the Cappadocians, Asians and Bathyians
To the weeping masses, all who seek salvation-
Condemned to the trials of the Nine Hells
Sword- blade of persecution
Tongues- Cut in mass confusion
Fire- Solvent and solution immolate the disillusioned
Prayer- to the all destroyer
Sounder- of the seven trumpets
Gospel of the Arch-Heretic
Nocturnal vigil
Most giving sacrifice
Enter in to the arena of the averse one
Adversary, the Devil, as a roaring lion walketh about
Seeking one he may devour
Prey begins to pray- perfection imminence
Ensigil the vow of the worthless
Adorn with feces and seek the condemnation of the flames
As Death's c**t crushes death c**t and the usurper of the thorny brow, would not the modern manifestation of this heresy be the hypodermic?
Descend to the bringer of iron light
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