
AAAA [2] Lyrics

Does the white one think you池e black
And the black one thinks you池e white
The country man thinks your wrong
And the rockers say you池e just not right
Do you alternate there somewhere between
With the best old sound anyone has seen ?
And that痴 your country, that is your zone
Arizona Amp And Alternator

Did the red one think you池e true blue
And the blue one thinks you池e well red
Well what were you to do ?
Compromise your hue instead ?

Do you fluctuate somewhere between
Coming up with the best sound anyone has seen ?
That痴 my country, that痴 my zone
Arizona Amp And Alternator

You feel mostly misunderstood
But you know it痴 way too good
To just nix it
Around here when something痴 not broke
`you don稚 fix it
ever since she left you
have you been spending your time
drinking up your last dime
well if you池e looking for a sign
and yet you still don稚 berate her
we池e always hiring here at
Arizona Amp And Alternator
Does the yellow one think you池e green
And the green one says you池e yellow
The kind one thinks you池e mean
And the mean one thinks you池e mellow

Do you alternate somewhere in between
With the best old sound anyone has seen ?
Well that痴 my country, that is my zone
Arizona Amp And Alternator
we値l get right to it ・ooner or later

we値l put a clamp on your old fret
we値l recharge the battery in your tremulator
we値l tune up your rusty machine head
we値l get right to it
sooner or later
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