
3 Second EBEN Lyrics

They've been watching for a long time I can feel them inside my spine
oppressing eyes, oppressing hand, I must get out

They don't care when, out of nowhere, this has been going on for (too) long
now its my time to see not to cover my eyes
No, I won't fade
No, I can't fade in the process

Behind the cortex, they trick you

Beside me the maggot-believers
manipulated lives devoid of thoughts
deciever, I have outgrown the way
I found my call
behind me, the records of the earth stand tall
I feel it
I will confront their minds and call their lies
No, I won't fade
No, won't fade in the process
Behind the cortex, they trick you
but from mind-ashes, my thoughts are reborn

Beside me the maggot-believers
manipulated lives devoid of thoughts
deciever, I have outgrown the way
I found my call
behind me, the records of the earth stand tall
I feel it
I will confront their minds and call their lies
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Opilion (2011)
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