The Lovely Feathers Songtext

Hind Hind Legs
  1. Pope John Paul
  2. In the Valley
  3. I Really Like You
  4. Frantic
  5. Wrong Choice
  6. Mildly Decorated
  7. Photocorners
  8. The Only Appalachian Cornfield
  9. Ooh You Shocked Me
  10. E Man Sorrow
  11. Rod Stewart
  12. Breakfast Cake
  13. Lion Eats the Wildebeest
My Best Friend Daniel
  1. Fudgicle
  2. Icebergs
  3. Like You
  4. The Lion Eats the Wildebeast
  5. Upon Milwaukee Patio
  6. Cadillac back-pack
  7. Orchids
  8. Photocorners
  9. Only Appalachian Cornfield
  10. Laurenceville Blazer
  11. The Bronze
  12. Force Fire Force
  13. Wrong Choice