
Toon o' Kelso Lyrics

T'was in the toon o' Kelso
A lovely woman did dwell
She loved her husband dearly
Ah, but another man twice as well
Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai

She went intae the druggist
Some medicine for tae buy
For she had resolved in her own mind
Her husband he should die

Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai

She bought a pound o' marrowbone
And ground it very small
Before he had eaten the half o'it
He could'nt see nothing at all

Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai

Im tired o' my life he cried, aloud
I'm tired o' my life
I think I'll go and drown myself
And that will end this strife

Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai
So doon the street together they went
She whistled and she sang
My husbands going to drown himself
I'll help to push him in

Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai

Doon the street together they went
'til they came to the waters brim
Oh, you go back and take a run
And help to push me in

Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai

She stood back, she started to run
All for to push him
But the cunning old nicker he jumped aside
And she went thunderin in
Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai

She swam up and she swam doon
Til she came to the river brim
But the cunning took a great long pole
And pushed her further in

Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai

Tak ye that ye wicked old jade
Ye thought that I was blind
But I'll gae whistlin' hame again
Another wife I'll find

Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai

Ah, how would ye gae
A-Hadili hadili
Shoog-a-ra hadili hai
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