
Kids on the Range Lyrics

" As I stand here with my whiskey and beer,
I think of the days of my life,
I was never a fool, I did quite well in school
Then, there was college, a job, and a wife.
When the kids came along, life was really a song
They were good kids as far as I could see,
But, now that they're grown, they treat the place like their own,
And, three of them are bigger than me.
Home has certainly changed
Where the kids and the radio play,
Where never is heard, an intelligent word
And, the radio's blaring all day.

They sit in my chair and tap me for cash
And it seems like the phone's never free
Dirty cups on the carpet, half filled mugs in the hall
And just crumbs where the bisquets should be
They've got Top of the Pops and that loud MTV
And they think David Letterman's droll
Heavey metal guitars, Karioke in bars
And I havn't the slightest control.
Home has certainly changed....
They have stereo walkmen, boys with rings in their ears
Leather jackets and bright colored hair,
I'd like to escape, just go for a drive,
But, the biggest one borrowed the car.
They just had their friends in, quite a few of them there
And the music so loud you cant think,
They finished the tea, coffee's all gone
They killed my whiskey, so, I cant take to drink.
Home has certainly changed...

As I stand over here in this bar with my beer
Between strangers and that loud s***e machine,
It's becoming quite clear that I'm not being fair
When I think of how the kids might have been.
They do clean the car, and they work at their jobs,
They mow the lawn and help with the tea,
We're lucky I guess, they're healthy and well
And they're home where we all ought to be.
Home has certainly changed where the kids and the radio play
No more will be heard a dis couraging word
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