
Gallus Bloke Lyrics

Oh ye're ma wee gallus bloke nae mair
Ye're ma wee gallus bloke nae mair
Wi' yer bell-blue stride, yer bonnet tae the side
Ye're ma wee gallus bloke nae mair
As ah went by the sweetie works ma heart began tae beat
Watchin' a' the factory lassies walkin' doon the street
Wi' their flashy dashy petticoats, flashy dashy shawls
Five and a tanner gutty boots, We're a' wee gallus molls
The Scots it is a noble tongue, the meaning's hard to tell
It's in aboot an' hey, nae doot, it's tapsalteerie all
But we are only doin' oor best, we try tae do it well
But whit the song is all aboot we dinnae ken oorsel'
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