
Sport (The Odd Boy) Lyrics

Let's go back to your childhood [echo]...

The odd boy lay down by the football field
Took out a slim volume of Mallarme.
The centre-forward called him an imbecile.
It's an odd boy who doesn't like sport.
Sport, Sport, masculine sport.
Equips a young man for society.
Yes, sport turns out a jolly good sort.
It's an odd boy who doesn't like sport.
Dear Mr. Poxham, would you kindly excuse Steven from games today? He has had a nasty cold over the weekend and still has headaches and feels a bit snotty. I don't feel he should be outside with the rougher type of boy, as he is a little delicate. Hoping you will understand, yours sincerely, Nellie Maynard, Mrs.

Give him a nice, cold shower.

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