Shub-Niggurath Songtext

A Deadly Call From The Stars
  1. March of Mephistopheles / The Evil Always Prevails
  2. Son of Primordial Chaos
  3. Triumphal Domain
  4. The Summon of Shub Niggurath Ye Black
  5. Ode to the Ancient Ones
  6. My Wonder Vision
  7. Testimony of Seals
  8. The Invocation Gate
A Deadly Call From the Stars
  1. March of Mephistopheles / The Evil Always Prevails
  2. Son of Primordial Chaos
  3. Triumphal Domain
  4. The Summon of Shub Niggurath Ye Black
  5. My Wonder Vision
  6. Testimony of Seals
  7. Ode to the Ancient Ones
  8. The Invocation Gate
Evilness & Darkness Prevails
  1. Lying the Dormant Awaits
  2. Zatanazombie
  3. Nightmares From Beyond
  4. The Ninth Revelation
  5. Demons Conjuration
  6. Legions From Absu
The Kinglike Celebration (Final Aeon on Earth)
  1. The Only One Astral Being
  2. ...From the Stars, Nyarlathotep
  3. Sub-Human Immortality
  4. Abominations of Ancient Gods
  5. Unnamable Evokation
  6. Inside the Labyrinth of Illusion
  7. Legions From Absu
  8. Royal Demon