Rico Rodriguez Songtext

Tribute to Don Drummond
  1. Tribute to Don Drummond
  2. Anancy Rumba
  3. Rainbow Into the Rio Mino
  4. Sweet Chariot
  5. Tom Jones
  6. Scar Face
  7. Trombone Man
  8. Japanese Invasion
  9. Top of the Class
  10. Black Milk
  11. Stranger on the Shore
  12. Place in the Sun
Rico's Message
  1. Fu Man Chu
  2. Luke Lane Shuffle
  3. Wonderful World
  4. Work Song
  5. Stand Firm
  6. Do What You Do
  7. Bridge View Shuffle
  8. I Have the Right
  9. Over the Rainbow
  10. Rico's Message
  11. Stardust