Love Spirals Downwards Songtext

  1. El Pedregal
  2. Sideways Forest
  3. Madras
  4. Last Classic
  5. Ipomoea
  6. Delta
  7. Cay at Dawn
  8. Promises
  9. Lieberflusse
  10. Ananda
  11. Above the Lone
  1. Will You Fade
  2. Sidhe
  3. Write in Water
  4. Avincenna
  5. Mirrors a Still Sky
  6. Subsequently
  7. I Could Find It Only by Chance
  8. Kykeon
  9. Depression Glass
  10. Sunset Bell
  11. Tear Love From My Mind
  1. Illusory Me
  2. Scatter January
  3. Love's Labour's Lost
  4. This Endris Night
  5. Forgo
  6. Eudaimonia
  7. Dead Language
  8. Stir About the Stars
  9. Noumena of Spirit
  10. Ladonna Dissima
  11. Drops, Rain, and Sea
  12. Waiting for the Sunrise
  13. And the Wood Comes Into Leaf