Lemon Demon Songtext

  1. Kaleidoskull
  2. Untitled [view-monster]
  3. Amnesia Was Her Name
  4. Untitled [hippocampus]
  5. The Man in Stripes and Glasses
  6. Untitled [spooky sounds vol 6]
  7. Marketland
  8. Untitled [x-ray glasses]
  9. Gadzooks
  10. Untitled [prelude to a knife fight]
  11. Knife Fight
  12. Untitled [autofocus]
  13. The Only House That's Not On Fire (Yet)
  14. Untitled [combs]
  15. The Ocean
  16. Untitled [wet hair]
  17. The Afternoon
  18. Untitled [afterafternoon]
  19. Spring Heeled Jack
  20. Untitled [alternate history]
  21. Being a Rock Star
  22. Untitled [like a balloon]
  23. Ask for Nothing
  24. Untitled [disconnect]
  25. The Satirist's Love Song
  26. Untitled [therapy]
  27. The Machine
  28. Untitled [between the frames]
  29. Bill Watterson
  30. Untitled [sleeping]
  31. Something Glowing
  32. Untitled [finale]
Live From the Haunted Candle Shop
  1. Hydroelectric Viking
  2. The Saga of You, Confused Destroyer of Planets
  3. Mr. Wolfgang
  4. Boat
  5. Destructo!
  6. Fiberglass Monkey
  7. Fly Straight or Drop the Oar and Wreck
  8. Oz Explodes
  9. Booja Jabooja
  10. Dance Like an Idiot
  11. Chu Chu Rocket
  12. Switzerland
  13. Party on the Moon
  14. Without My Tonsils
  15. Birdhouse in Your Soul
  16. Mold en Mono
  17. Movie Night
Clown Circus
  1. Error
  2. Lemon Demon
  3. Ten Thousand Years Away
  4. Don't Be Like the Sun
  5. Bowling Alley
  6. Wrong
  7. Hazel's Modus Operandi
  8. Idiot Control Now
  9. Pepper and Salt
  10. Holy Bison Beaks!
  11. Somnolence
  12. Fire Motif
  13. Hyakugojyuuichi 2003
  14. Elsewhere