Joel Plaskett Emergency Songtext

Scrappy Happiness
  1. Lightning Bolt
  2. Harbour Boys
  3. You're Mine
  4. Tough Love
  5. Slow Dance
  6. Time Flies
  7. Somewhere Else
  8. Old Friends
  9. I'm Yours
  10. North Star
Ashtray Rock
  1. An Introduction
  2. Drunk Teenagers
  3. Ashtray Rock
  4. Fashionable People
  5. Penny for Your Thoughts
  6. Snowed In / Cruisin'
  7. Face of the Earth
  8. The Glorious Life
  9. Nothing More to Say
  10. Chinatown / For the Record
  11. The Instrumental
  12. Soundtrack for the Night
  13. Outroduction
Truthfully Truthfully
  1. Written All Over Me
  2. Work Out Fine
  3. Mystery and Crime
  4. Extraordinary
  5. Come On, Teacher
  6. The Red Light
  7. Radio Fly
  8. You Came Along
  9. Lights Down Low
  10. The Day You Walked Away
  11. All the Pretty Faces
  12. Heart to Heart With Lionel
Down at the Khyber
  1. Down at the Khyber
  2. There's Love in the Air
  3. Maybe We Should Just Go Home
  4. Clueless Wonder
  5. This Is a Message
  6. Unconditional Love
  7. Waiting to Be Discovered
  8. True Patriot Love
  9. Blinding Light
  10. It's Catchin' On
  11. Cry Together
  12. Light of the Moon