Cyaneed Songtext

I Rule This Library for Tonight
  1. Tonight
  2. Nr 2
  3. For Your Information I've Changed My Address
  4. Paintjob
  5. Mona Lisa
  6. Go Drama Group
  7. Cyan and Her Needs
  8. Grass and Soil
  9. Match Me
  10. The Prime Minister
  11. Sparks
  12. Fired
Jeg forstår ikke hva jeg gjør
  1. Offside
  2. Dødsmaskin
  3. Gunnar-Leif
  4. Lovesong
  5. Lost in Sweden (Where Is the Toilet?)
  6. Where the Sewer Flows
  7. Sweet lavvuløv
  8. Hey! That's My Sister
  9. Desperate
  10. I Want to Fly