Allen Ginsberg Songtext

First Blues
  1. Going to San Diego
  2. Vomit Express
  3. Jimmy Berman (Gay Lib Rag)
  4. NY Youth Call Annunciation
  5. CIA Dope Calypso
  6. Put Down Yr Cigarette Rag
  7. Sickness Blues
  8. Broken Bone Blues
  9. Stay Away From White House
  10. Hard-On Blues
  11. Guru Blues
  12. Everybody Sing
  13. Gospel Nobel Truths
  14. Bus Ride Ballad to Suva
  15. Prayer Blues - 1972
  16. Love Forgiven
  17. Father Death Blues
  18. Dope Fiend Blues
  19. Tyger
  20. Old Pond
  21. No Reason
  22. My Pretty Rose Tree
  23. Capitol Air
Holy Soul Jelly Roll: Poems and Songs 1949 - 1993
  1. Walking at Night in Key West
  2. A Mad Gleam
  3. The Green Automobile
  4. A Supermarket in California
  5. Howl (For Carl Solomon)
  6. Footnote to Howl
  7. America
  8. Sunflower Sutra
  9. Green Valentine Blues
  10. Death to Van Gogh's Ear
  11. Kaddish (For Naomi Ginsberg 1894-1956)
  12. To Aunt Rose
  13. Kral Majales (King of May)
  14. Guru
  15. Wales Visitation
  16. The End
  17. I Am a Victim of Telephone
  18. The Echoing Green
  19. The Lamb
  20. Little Boy Lost / Little Boy Found
  21. Laughing Song
  22. The Sick Rose
  23. Nurse's Song (Experience)
  24. City Midnight Junk Strains (For Frank O'Hara)
  25. A Cradle Song
  26. Infant Joy
  27. The Fly
  28. Voice of the Bard
  29. School Boy
  30. A Dream
  31. Who Be Kind To
  32. First Party at Ken Kesey's With Hell's Angels
  33. Pacific High Studio Mantras (Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum)
  34. Wichita Vortex Sutra Part 3
  35. Nurse's Song (Innocence)
  36. Pull My Daisy
  37. Capitol Air
  38. Written in My Dreams by W.C. Williams
  39. CIA Dope Calypso
  40. Vomit Express
  41. Please Master
  42. The Little Fish Devours the Big Fish
  43. Prayer Blues
  44. Birdbrain
  45. Gospel Noble Truths
  46. Hum Bom
  47. Airplane Blues
  48. On Neal's Ashes
  49. September on Jessore Road
  50. Father Death Blues
  51. Do the Meditation Rock
  52. After Lalon