
Für Elise (narration) Lyrics

"I see the answer clearly now" Beethoven said
"Of this wish, I can have no regrets

The greatest pain within my years

Occurred as I became deaf"
"Go back into my past, sweet fate

And return my hearing throughout my life

My live performances would again be legendary
And Theresa would have become my wife

I would have children gathered around me
Where now I just have songs

Return my hearing, my sweet lady

And in doing so, you will right all wrongs"

"Oh, my dearest Ludwig," fate replied,

"I ache to grant your wish
but as I warned you once before

It would cause your other songs to not exist

Before you lost your hearing

Your performances were your art

It was how you made your living

Of your life it was an irremovable part
It was only when your hearing left you
That you truly began to write

Creating masterpiece after masterpiece
That have led us to this night

Say the word and I'll remove your deafness
Say the word and I'll remove the pain

But the music will disappear as well

And the world won't be the same

I wish I could offer you an easy answer
But easy answers are rarely there

And at this moment in your life

Of that fact I'm sure you are quite aware
No one, including myself, would blame you
For trying to save your soul

But the Devil will have his victory

And the future's children will pay the toll

So, tell me Ludwig, what should I do?

Should I return your hearing to you

You cannot seek advice from another
Voice these songs are your children, their fate, your choice"

Beethoven gazed at her

Through eyes of deep regret

The songs, they would remain for now
And his ears, they would remain quite deaf
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