
Robots in Heaven Lyrics

The signs hid between the lines
Were verbally glittering
You can take what you want
But leave mine to me
The answers were all just questions
To be perfect is imperfection
Lost with no direction
We've lost our minds
Our parts have been replaced
Our bodies are a syphilic wreck
Let your head fal through your shoulders
Break your f***** neck
We're retired and old and in decay
But all our bills are paid
And its a whole hell of a lot better than being a robot

Blame it all on regret
Just leave me alon and I'll forget
Below the iron fist...
Where we live on and on and on
As long as we exist
But it wasn't the road to heaven
That was paved with good intentions
Thars where I'll get my vengeance
So what if we all get lived in vain?
Theres no one left to complain
And its a whole hell of a lot better than working

You'll hear everything that I have to f****** say!
I played the game. I won. I'm in.
And I'm not going away
I'll live inside your head
You'll wish you were dead
You'll regret the day we met
And it's a whole hell of a lot better than being a ROBOT
B;ame it all on regret
Just leave me along and I'll forget
Below the iron fist
Where we live on and on and on and on as long as we exist
I'd leace it all with no regrets
Keace me alone so I can forget
Below the iron fist
Where we live on and on and on and on and on and on

As long as we exist? So this is what it's like.
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