
U.S.A. Lyrics

The USA don't take no s***
From communist countries they're the pits
We'll step on them like they're little ants
Cause we're the men who wear the pants
Eat them up, spit'em out
They'll never know, what life's about
When they're down we'll kick'em around
And their brains will not be found
Terrorists threatening the USA
Nuclear war getting closer every day
Missiles, tanks, the M.I.A.'s
Guns, napalm a green beret
After the shock we'll rule the earth
It will be like the world's rebirth
There'll be no communists left around
If they are they'll be sought and found
Hung, drung, quartered, gagged and bound
Shot, burned and buried deep underground
Spit and party on their grave
If they live they'll be our slave

Without the reds be a better place
We won't have to deal with their disgrace
We won't have to deal with no idle threats
I doubt if anyone will have regrets
So the USA in the place to be
It's the only place from sea to sea
No wonder others fight like me
Can't trust a soul from a communist country

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