
Wash Away Lyrics

Listen I've got something to say
If you can wash it away.
dirt is good
Or let me put it this way, never
Never be a slave of the past
Why d'you keep fooling around
You don't seem to understand
You got to leave the past behind
Forward play and no rewind

Since you're in my company
We don't seem to agree
Talking about the past
is the present missed
You is was and I am is
Do wash away
Izolo washed away
K'sasa comes now

Listen I've got something to say
If you can wash it away.
dirt is good
Or let me put it this way, never
Never be a slave of the past
So put your hands up
and use the brain
you got to put yourself
out of this misery
learn from the past
but go on with your life
'cause the sun is brighter
on the future's side

Do wash away
Izolo washed away
K'sasa comes now (repeat x times)
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