
Threshold in Maleficent Grace Lyrics

This altar shall be prepared in myriad ecstacy...

I have faith in chaos of which verges tends to abide
I trust in corruption as proper remedy
for which mankind is deaf and blind
I find solace within the leap into tribulation
to verify that there are no shrine on earth
such magnitude besides this Oath
...ātmany agnīn samāropya sannyasyāham mamātmatām
kāranesu nyaset samyak sanghātam tu yathārhatah

As my lungs resigns from the books of life (I am earth)
although reclaimed and poised...
The promise of salvation subsumed in death
that no one granted or none other to understand
Gnothi seauton

Vimuñcati yadā kāmān mānavo manasi sthitān
tarhy eva puņdarīkāksa bhagavattnāya kalpate

This is a bless
I know a god
I am a god

There is no darkness in the powers of death
There are no lies in the repetance of Samael
There is no darkness in the powers of death
We are in the presence of endless light

There is no darkness in the powers of death
There is no grievance within the values begotten in void

There is no darkness in the powers of death
We are in the presence of endless light

There is no darkness in the powers of death
We are in the presence of Satan
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