
Abjuration Lyrics

Exaudi, Deus omnipotens, preces
populi...Puelle agentis secundum opera que
sibi dixeras
(Prayer commissioned by King
Charles VII pleading for Joan's
freedom from imprisonment,
Si quis in me non manserit,
mittetur foras sicut palmes,
et arescet,
et colligent eum,
et in ignem mittent,
et ardet.
(John 15:6, recited to Joan of Arc
by Father Erard during her trial,
at the confrontation in front of
St. Ouen.)

« Domine, istud quod facio, non facio nisi
ut inveniam te. »
(Blessed Angela of Foligno)

«Depone animos.»
(From The Passion of St.
Perpetua, a history of an early
Christian martyr.)

...Une femme - - simple bergiere - -
Plus preux qu'onc homs ne fut à Romme!
Christine de Pizan)

Ne universos nos extermines.
(St. Perpetua)

Benedicite, ignis et aestus, Domino;
Daniel 3:66

«Depone animos.»
(St. Perpetua)

...N'y a si forte
Resistance qui à l'a**ault
De la Pucelle ne soit morte.
Hester, Judith, et Delbora,
Qui furent dames de grant pris,[...]
Mains miracles en a pourpris.
Plus a fait par ceste Pucelle.
Christine de Pizan)

«Depone animos.» (St. Perpetua)

...eadem hora mittemini in fornacem ignis
ardentis. Et quis est Deus qui eripiet vos
de manu mea?
Benedicite, ignis et aestus, Domino;
Daniel 3:15 and 3:66
« Domine, istud quod facio, non facio nisi
ut inveniam te. Inveniam te postquam id
perfecero! »
(Blessed Angela of Foligno)


Hear, Almighty God, the prayers of your
people...of the girl acting according to the
works which you had spoken of to her.
(Prayer commissioned by King
Charles VII pleading for Joan's
freedom from imprisonment,

Those who do not remain in me
will be discarded like branches:
they will wither.
So they will be gathered up,
thrown on the fire,
and burnt.
(John 15:6, recited to Joan of Arc
by Father Erard during her trial,
at the confrontation in front of
St. Ouen.)

"Lord, that which I do, I do only to find
(Blessed Angela of Foligno)
"Renounce your purpose."
(From The Passion of St.
Perpetua, a history of an early
Christian martyr.)

...a woman - - a simple shepherdess - -
More valiant even than Rome's worthiest!
Christine de Pizan)

Destroy us not all together.
(St. Perpetua)

Fire and heat, praise the Lord!
Daniel 3:66

"Renounce your purpose."
(St. Perpetua)

... No force is there so strong --
Try as they might to resist the attack
Of the Maid -- it dies in vain before long.
One hears of Esther, Judith and Deborah,
Who were ladies of great courage and
worth; [...]
Through them God performed miracles on
But he fulfilled even more through this
Christine de Pizan)

"Renounce your purpose."
(St. Perpetua)

...The same hour you will be thrown into a
furnace of burning fire.
And who is the God who will s***** you
from my hand?
Fire and heat, praise the Lord!
Daniel 3:15 and 3:66

"Lord, that which I do, I do only to find
you. May I find you after I have
completed it!"
(Blessed Angela of Foligno)
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