
Karmacoma (Napoli Trip) Lyrics

Na voce rint' u core, agg' sentuto luntana, agg' capito ca ir tu ca m' chiamava io t' cunusco a semp' e semp t'agg amato qe quann cchiù t'amav' t'agg perduto

(I heard a voice in my heart,in the distance...i understood you were calling me, I've always known you and from the beginning I've loved you, and when I loved you more I lost you)
stamm azzeccat un rint'a n'at u' tiemp è comme u viento e sosc' fort e me turment si t'agg avut...ma nu m'abbasta ancora,

(we are close to each other,the weather is like the wind that blows hard and bothers me, I had u, but it wasnot enough for me)

curr' ammore p'stu munn vai e nun te fermà mai curri,jamaica a roma curr p' stu munno e vai e nun t' fermà mai
(run my love around the world, jamaica a roma, and go, and don' t stop)

si te ne vai o t stai non cagna a**ai
(if u stay or if u go, nothing will change that much)
si te ne vai o te stai nun cagnerà a**ai
(if u stay or if u go, nothing will change that much)

chell ca vulissi nun me crere nun u saccio e nun me ne importa fino a quando sì rimast nun me n'importa si cu mme rimani ancora si cu mmè rimani ancora curr ammore pì stu munno e vai e nun te fermà mai...curr'curr p' stu munno vai e nun te fermà mai
(what i would like, don' t believe me but i don't know and i don' t care until U will stay, if u will stay ,run my dear around the world and go and never stop, run run around the world and go and never stop)
chill ca vulissi a me mi criri nun m'importa
(what i would like, believe me i don' t care)

chill ca vulissi a me mi criri nun me n'importa
(what i would like, belive me i don' t care)

curr curr ammore p' stu munno vai e nun te fermà mai
(run run around the world and go...and never stop)
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