
Now That's Fair Lyrics

So many champions that I can't stand
So many things to ban and we get 6... d***
For an example take a look at Jax
Getting our Nexus smashed by his auto attacks
Now that's fair

Oh, I don't want to play another game
With OP champions dominating lane
They all bought tickets for the try hard train
Yeah, all I'm ever hearing is that I've been slain

So many dashes from this Lucian
I never know what Evelynn is doing
Don't get me started with this freakin' Braum
He's always so strong punching me down to bronze
Oh, I don't want to play another game
With OP champions dominating lane
They all bought tickets for the try hard train
Yeah, all I'm ever hearing is that I've been slain
I'm so sick of these Morganas and Tristanas
Chasing Nidalees
And Yauso's getting quadras

Oh, I don't want to play another game
With OP champions dominating lane
They all bought tickets for the try hard train
Yeah, all I'm ever hearing is that I've been slain
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