Greg X. Volz Lyrics

In God's Presence
  1. Father in Heaven
  2. His Lambs
  3. God Blest America
  4. In God's Presence
  5. Pray for the Peace of Jeruselem
  6. Wedding of the Lamb
  7. The Rising of the Son
  8. Yahweh Loves Me
  9. His Delight (Psalm 1)
  10. The Risen Lord
  11. This Is Your Time
The Next Sphere
  1. Psalm 124
  2. God Had Mercy
  3. The Great Jehovah
  4. The Next Sphere
  5. The Spirit of the Lord
  6. Those Old Ways
  7. Give It Up
  8. Who!
  9. You Are My Rock
  10. The Risen Lord
Breakout Praise
  1. Hallelujah, Jesus
  2. He is my Messiah
  3. All I Want to do is Praise You
  4. In God's Presence
  5. Glory to God
  6. If We give Him the Glory
  7. Daughter Of Zion
  8. If Jesus Be Lifted Up
  9. I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes
  10. Holy is Your Name
  11. Take My Yoke
  12. Jesus Paid it all