
Diario De Viaje (Calexico mix) Lyrics

El día se va,
El azul se oscurece aquí,
El día que se va,
Y los sonidos se pierden así
La cálida inmensidad,
A orillas de un vasto mar,
Los barcos que parten ya,
Marcando principio y final

Y justo cuando empiezo a cantar,
El mundo comienza a girar,
La primavera queda atrás,
Y los tonos cambian ya, cambian ya

No se que quedará,
Tampoco que es lo que se irá,
No se, no se que es lo que quedará.
Pero nada, nada se detendrá.
The day leaves,
The blue is getting darker here,
The day, it's going,
And the sounds are lost this way.

The warm immensity,
To waves in a vast sea,
The ships already depart,
Marking the beginning and the end.
And just as I begin to sing,
The world starts to spin,
The spring stays behind,
And the sounds already change

I don't know what will remain,
Nor what it is that will leave,
I don't know, I don't know what will stay,
But nothing, nothing can be stopped.
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