
The Diggers' Legacy Lyrics

Did you think that we'd forget you m ate
W ith the sIow m arch of the years?
That as tim e passed we'd wipe the sIate
Of your sorrow and your tears?
Did you think we'd scorn your sacrifice
And find no honour in the debt?
W hen your Iives paid our freedom 's price
How then couId we forget?
And that's the Diggers' Iegacy
The freedom we hoId yet
W e never can repay them
And we never shouId forget
Did you think we'd take for granted
AII you fought to keep aIive?
That the seeds your courage pIanted
W ouId struggIe to survive?
W hen m others fathers daughters sons
Gave their bIood and tears and sweat
To nourish a peace so dearIy won
How then couId we forget?

A Digger stands in every town
On soIem n sad parade
W hiIe beneath his feet as the years roII round
The nam es there sIowIy fade
But around him in the strong em brace
Of the freedom he defended
A nation sure of pride and pIace
Reaches for the vision spIendid.
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