Ruby Throat Letras

O' Doubt O' Stars
  1. Stone Dress
  2. Shoe
  3. In Steerage
  4. A Dog Hair in the Weave of the Wool
  5. Forget Me Nots of Stepney
  6. Broken Machine
  7. Black Rk 50:08'.68N 05:01'.74W
  8. Arctic Fox
  9. O' Doubt O' Stars
  10. Kono
  11. Wake of Swans
  12. Tottenham Resovoir
Out of a Black Cloud Came a Bird
  1. Billows Her Skirt
  2. Shark
  3. In the Arms of Flowers
  4. Bolt the Horse
  5. Barebaiting
  6. My Head
  7. Mynah Metamorphose
  8. Beneath My Undress
  9. All I Have Left of You
  10. Nothing
  11. ( )
  12. Needles and Pins
  13. A Bus Stop on Holloway Rd.
  14. Out of a Black Cloud Came a Bird