
Harem Lyrics

"Harem" - Liner Notes - September 6, 2000

Incredibly silly. I am very surprised that this one actually made it out there. Stick Spectrasonic's "Heart of Asia" Sample CD in a blender: get instant shektibihi. Perhaps it does smack of c**tural imperialism, but I am a big fan of goofy impressions of other musical c**tures. Turandot is funnest when all eight gongs are droning, b***erfly is at her most vulnerable when the melody references something innocent and pentatonic and "Rondo Alla Turca" is the most entertaining thing Mozart wrote for the keyboard.
I have often hated my lack of ability to put a voice out front and center, though with this track I managed to get a nice alto up there. Hindi? Sanskrit? Someone out there knows. The last two minutes are goofy, but in a much different way. I am a great fan of the music of the "Twilight Zone" series, and loved being able to use the vibraphone, even if it was only samples.
- Matt Uelmen
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