
Prea Naiv (feat. Jazzy) Lyrics

Nu ma pot opri din plans (I can't stop my weaping)
Ma doare lipsa ta (your absence hurts me)
As vrea sa spun orice, oricui, (I'd like to say something to someone)
Sa-i spun povestea mea (To tell my story)
Ai fost o stea pe cerul meu (You were a star in my sky)
Acum imi pare rau (Now, I'm sorry)
Cat am clipit ai disparut (While I blinked, you disappeared)
Si-ai stins sufletul meu (& you extinguished my soul)
Iti spun bun ramas, (I tell you good bye)
Astazi te las... (Today I let you go)
Nu regret, nu mai stau nici un ceas (I don't regret it, I won't stay for even one more hour)
Am inteles k nu au sens, (I understood that it didn't make sense)
Lacrimi pe obraz (Tears on my cheek)
Iti spun bun ramas (I tell you good bye)
Mii de scuze nu si-au rost (Thousands of apologies that didn't make sense)
Ce ai facut m-a stins (What did you do? I extinguished myself)
Degeaba incerci sa reaprinzi (In vain you try to recapture)
Un vis ce-a fost frumos (A dream that was beautiful)
A durat zambetul tau (Your smile has lasted)
Si ma trezeam in rai (& I would awake in paradise)
Tu ai fost doar un inger rau (You were just a bad angel)
Mintind k ma iubeai (Lying about loving me)
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